This is a repository of the code and data used in Listening to the forest: An artificial neural network-based model of carbon uptake at Harvard Forest by Gidon Eshel, Archana Dayalu, Steven C. Wofsy, J. William Munger,and Eli Tziperman, to appear in Jour. Geophys. Res.-Biogeoscience. The repository comprises two folders, for Matlab code and for data. (We used Matlab version 2018b as well as the Deep Learning toolbox, version 12.0.) The key element of the code folder are the files named codeForFigx.m where x = [1,6], matching the paper's six figures. In addition, the Matlab code folder contains also misc. code segments that are either directly used by the afore-mentioned main files or generate data sets used by them. In the latter case, the name of the data (.mat) file mirrors the name of the code file (.m) that generates it. The main objectives of each of the code file is reflected in that *.m file name.