%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Initial post processing of raw model output: for long simulations: ppnc.sh (will call monthlymean{T,U,V,Z3}.sh, record.sh) SSW_compo.sh filterUVT.ncl proj_freq.ncl proj_eddy.ncl proj_wavenumber.ncl proj_wavenumber_eddy.ncl EPflux.ncl for short ensembles: ppnc_ens_budget.sh (will call vinthall.ncl) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Checklist before running the figure-make code: 1. All_WA1Jan_EQ1M40(lon${lonL}${lonR})_${Amp}.nc (climatology file for all variables, generated by nco command in initial post process) 2. SSW_WA1Jan_EQ1M40(lon${lonL}${lonR})_${Amp}.nc (SSW time series, generated by nco command in initial post process) 3. yz_EP_(filter)_(${ShortPeriodLim})(${LongPeriodLim})_DJF_WA1Jan35_EQ1M40(lon${lonL}${lonR})_${Amp}(_Appendix).nc (EP flux contributed by eddies with ${ShortPeriodLim}-${LongPeriodLim} Period. 1-7day is filtered by k<10, otherwise is k<3. Sometimes, the EP flux is not filtered in time and only in space, those have an appendix telling us the cutoff wavenumber. I append here the ncl code used to generate these files, EPflux_paper1.ncl) 4. vinth(3)_{MJOB, MJOC40, CTRL}_H2_ENS.nc are 800-ensemble mean of the instant output variables for MJOB, MJOC (both Amp=10K/day) and CTRL simulations. Interpolated to pressure coordinate. (generated ) 5. vinth(3)_timeavg_{MJOB,MJOC40,CTRL}_ENSavg.nc are 800-ensemble mean of time-average output variables for MJOB, MJOC (both Amp=10K/day) and CTRL simulations. Interpolated to pressure coordinate. (generated ) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% How to make the figures. To get Fig.1, 2(ac), 4 in the main text and Fig.S1, S2 in the supporting information, just run the matlab code ``SSW_bootstrap.m'' and then ``SSW_analysis.m''. The Fig.2 (bd) in the main text, and Fig.S4 in the supporting information, is plotted using panoply. Just open the corresponding All_WA1Jan_EQ1M40(lon${lonL}${lonR})_${Amp}.nc using panoply and adjust the colormap. The Fig.3 in the main text and Fig. S3 in the supporting information, run ``drift_Evector_MJO_ETavg.m''. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Experiment name: MJO amplitude (${Amp}K/day). MJO longitudinal range: (from ${lonL} to ${lonR} For clarification, please contact wanyingkang@g.harvard.edu