Extension School
This page contains information specific to Extension School students. Please note that more information will be added to this page, particularly up to and including the first week of classes.
Prerequisites for this course for Extension School students is CSCI E-51; course CSCI E-121 is also recommended. Students must have good programming skills, be very comfortable with recursion, basic mathematical ideas and notations, including sets, relations, functions, and induction. See the schedule for some suggested background reading on some of these concepts. Feel free to contact the instructor if you have questions about the requirements or other aspects of the course.
Two points to emphasize: (1) this is not an introduction to programming; students should already know how to program, ideally in at least couple of languages. (2) you must be very comfortable with recursion, basic mathematical ideas and notations, including sets, relations, functions, and induction.
Add/Drop deadlines
Please see the Extension School calendar for details of registration dates, add/drop dates, etc.
Extension School students are welcome to physically attend lectures, office hours, and section.
Lecture and Section videos
Videos of the lecture and section will be available online.
Assignments for Extension School students are the same as for College students, and the same policies apply regarding late days, grading, etc.
One exception is that assignments for Extension students are due exactly 24 hours after the College student deadline. This only applies to assignments, and not to exams or forms that we may need you to fill out.
Extension School students sit the same exams as College students, i.e., a 75 minute mid-term exam and a final exam.
Please refer to the Extension School pages on exams for information on requirements for Extension School students taking exams. The midterm and final exams will be online exams; they will not be proctored exams.
Course Staff and Sections
One of the course staff will be the Teaching Fellow specifically for Extension School students. However, Extension School students, like other students in the course, should either email Turn on JavaScript to view the email address or use Piazza for questions on both administrative issues (e.g., grading, late days, exams, and special requests) and course content (e.g., assignments, and course material in general). If your question is related to course administration, please indicate in your email that you are an Extension School student.