Course Policies

Late days, Penalties, and Extensions

Each student has five "late days" which can be applied to any of the homework assignments. A late day extends the due date by 24 hours. At most three late days can be used on any single assignment. (This allows us to grade your assignments and return them to you within a reasonable period.)

Late days are intended to help you manage your time effectively. They are not meant to be a substitute for starting assignments early. If you exhaust your late days, a 10% penalty will be applied per day, up until the solutions are released; after the solutions are released, no assignments will be accepted.

Late days are not meant to be used for medical emergencies or extenuating circumstances. In those situations, please have your senior tutor contact the instructor.


Discussion and the exchange of ideas are essential to doing academic work. For assignments in this course, you are encouraged to consult with your classmates as you work on problem sets. However, after discussions with peers, make sure that you can work through the problem yourself and ensure that any answers you submit for evaluation are the result of your own efforts. In addition, you must cite any books, articles, websites, lectures, etc that have helped you with your work using appropriate citation practices. Similarly, you must list the names of students with whom you have collaborated on problem sets.

Do not pass solutions to problem sets nor accept them from another student. Do not post course materials (including problem sets, solutions, exams, etc.) to websites or course-content archives. Also, it is never okay to look up solutions to homework problems in this class, i.e., don't look on the web for solutions. If you are ever in doubt, ask the course staff to clarify what is and isn't appropriate.

Timely Feedback

Course staff will aim to return graded assignments, with solutions, to students within 10 days of when the assignment is turned in. That is, within one week of when the last assignment might be turned in (and a student may use up to three late days on an assignment).