Alhussein L, Hosseini EA, Nguyen KP, Smith MA, Joiner WM (2019) Dissociating effects of error size, training duration, and amount of adaptation on the ability to retain motor memories.
Journal of Neurophysiology 122:2027-2042 doi:abs/10.1152/jn.00387.2018.
Extensive computational and neurobiological
work has focused on how the training schedule, i.e., the duration
and rate at which an environmental disturbance is presented, shapes
the formation of motor memories. If long-lasting benefits are to be
derived from motor training, however, retention of the performance
improvements gained during practice is essential. Thus a better
understanding of mechanisms that promote retention could lead to the
design of more effective training procedures. The few studies that
have investigated how retention depends on the training schedule have
suggested that the gradual exposure of a perturbation leads to improved
retention of motor memory compared with an abrupt exposure.
However, several of these previous studies showed small effects, and
although some controlled the training duration and others the level of
learning, none have controlled both. In the present study we disambiguated
both of these effects from exposure rate by systematically
varying the duration of training, type of trained dynamics, and
exposure rate for these dynamics in human force-field adaptation.
After controlling for both training duration and the amount of learning,
we found essentially identical retention when comparing gradual
and abrupt training for two different types of force-field dynamics. By
contrast, we found that retention was markedly higher for longduration
compared with short-duration training for both types of
dynamics. These results demonstrate that the duration of training has
a far greater effect on the retention of motor memory than the
exposure rate during training. We show that a multirate learning
model provides a computational mechanism for these findings.