Lene Hau was Keynote Speaker at EliteForsk-konferencen 2013, Copenhagen, Denmark, February 7, 2013.
Lene Vestergaard Hau was the Keynote Speaker at the EliteForsk-konferencen 2013 (Elite Research Conference 2013) in Copenhagen, Denmark on February 7, 2013. Attended by the top researchers and top science policy makers in Denmark, the meeting was sponsored by Denmark's Minister for Research, Innovation, and Higher Education, Morten Østergaard. He awarded the highest research awards ('Elite Research Awards' ) for researchers working in Denmark at the meeting.
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Lene Hau speaking at EliteForsk-konferencen 2013
Lene Hau (left) speaking with Morten Østergaard, the Minister for Research, Innovation, and Higher Education (middle) and Flemming Besenbacher, the Carlsberg Foundation Chairman of the Board and Professor of Nanoscience and Physics, University of Aarhus (right).Photo credit: Lars E. Andreasen