Lene Hau has received the Carlsberg Foundation's Research Award
Lene Vestergaard Hau has received the Carlsberg Foundation’s Research Award from the Royal Danish Society of Sciences and Letters on October 6, 2011. The prize of 1 million kroner is awarded in connection with the 200 year anniversary of brewer J.C. Jacobsen, founder of the Carlsberg Breweries and the Carlsberg Foundation. One prize each in the Natural Sciences and the Humanities was awarded. The Carlsberg Foundation has been one of the absolute main funders of Danish research over the last century.
Lene Vestergaard Hau har modtaget Carlsbergfondets Forskningspris paa 1 million kroner. I anledning af brygger J.C. Jacobsens 200-års fødselsdag i 2011 har Carlsbergfondet uddelt to forskningspriser til hhv. en naturvidenskabelig og en humanistisk forsker. Priserne er på hver 1. mio. kr. fordelt med 750.000 til det videre forskningsarbejde og 250.000 som en personlig pris.
Prismodtagerne er udpeget af Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab, og de to priser blev overrakt af forskningsminister Morten østergaard ved et stort arrangement på Carlsberg Akademi.
Please click on a picture, below, for a larger view:
Flemming Besenbacher, the Carlsberg Foundation and professor at the University of Aarhus; Lene Vestergaard Hau recipient of the prize for the Natural Sciences and professor of physics and applied physics at Harvard University; Søren-Peter Olesen, Secretary General for the Royal Society of Sciences and Letters and professor at the University of Copenhagen; Kirsten Hastrup, President for the Royal Society of Sciences and Letters and professor at the University of Copenhagen; Dan Zahavi, recipient of the prize for the Humanities and professor of philosophy at the University of Copenhagen; Povl Krogsgaard-Larsen, chairman of the Carlsberg Foundation and of the Carlsberg Breweries and professor at the University of Copenhagen (photo: Jeannette Pardorf).
fra venstre: Flemming Besenbacher, Carlsbergfondet, professor, dr.scient., Aarhus Universitet; Lene Vestergaard Hau, professor i fysik og anvendt fysik ved Harvard University; Søren-Peter Olesen, generalsekretær for Videnskabernes Selskab, professor, dr.med., Københavns Universitet; Kirsten Hastrup, præsident for Videnskabernes Selskab, professor, dr.scient.soc., Københavns Universitet; Dan Zahavi, professor i filosofi og dr.phil., Københavns Universitet; Povl Krogsgaard-Larsen, formand for Carlsbergfondet, professor, dr. pharm., Københavns Universitet (foto: Jeannette Pardorf).
The Minister for Research, Innovation, and Higher Education, Morten Østergaard (middle), congratulating Lene Vestergaard Hau and Dan Zahavi at the Prize ceremony held at the Carlsberg Academy (photo: Jeannette Pardorf).
Minister for Forskning, Innovation og Videregaaende Uddannelser, Morten Østergaard lykønsker Lene Vestergaard Hau og Dan Zahavi ved prisoverrækkelsen paa Carlsberg Akademi (foto: Jeannette Pardorf).
Press Items (can also be viewed on our Press Page here ):
Royal Academy Denmark | October 2011 | |||
Carlsberg Foundation | Carlsbergfondets Forskningspris - to millioner til to fremragende forskere Professor, ph.d. Lene Vestergaard Hau |
October 2011 |