Sections are held:
- Tuesdays 2-3pm, led by Anastasiya and including Coq
- Wednesdays 7-8pm, led by Amanda and Jack
Section attendance is not required. You can go to whichever section(s) you want. The sections will be recorded.
The following is a list of the sections, and the topic/problems covered.
Week | Topic | Practice problems |
3 | Operational Semantics (small-step, large-step); Induction | PDF Solutions |
4 | IMP; Denotational Semantics | PDF Solutions |
5 | Lambda calculus basics; Lambda calculus encodings and Recursion | PDF Solutions |
6 | Definitional translations; References and continuations | PDF Solutions |
7 | Simply-typed lambda calculus; More types | PDF Solutions |
8 | Parametric Polymorphism; Records and Subtyping; Curry-Howard Isomorphism; Existential Types | PDF Solutions |
9 | Type Inference | PDF Solutions |
10 | Sub-structural type systems; Algebraic structures (Haskell Code) | PDF Solutions |
11 | Environment Semantics; Axiomatic Semantics; Dependent Types | PDF Solutions |
12 | Logic Programming | PDF Solutions |